Canon EOS 6D
Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 Lens
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Mono Lake South Tufa view of Rock Formation

This side of the Sierra Nevada is known for its rugged peaks, picture-perfect rock formations, and soaring mountains. Get ready to lose track of time when you see these crazy rock formations reflecting on the lake—you will hardly notice the beautiful mountains right behind you!



Skill level

Public Location




$3 for adults, free for children under 16


  • Lens with a decent range (I used a 24-70mm and shot the featured photo at 24mm)
  • Tripod (one that gives you the ability to attach a camera upside down to get closer to the ground is a plus)
  • Neutral Density filter if visiting during the harsh light hours
  • Warm clothes in winter

How to get there

N37° 56' 38.5872"W119° 01' 38.7516"
Access to the Mono Lake South Tufa is via Highway 395 between the town of June Lake and Lee Vining. From Highway 395, turn east on Mono Lake Basin Road/Highway 120 East (be advised that Google Maps and Waze both list this road as closed from Oct-May, but it is not. Searching Mono Lake South Tufa for directions during those months will give you an alternate route which I have not taken before.) and go about 4.6-miles, then turn left (north) on Test Station Road. Test Station Road is paved for about 600-feet where it turns into a well-maintained gravel road. Follow the road for an additional 0.8-miles to a large parking area. Park there and pay your fee at the start of the boardwalk on the north side of the parking lot. Then walk the boardwalk to the shore where it ends. Once off the boardwalk, head to the right along the shoreline, taking care to stay on trails and off the tufa. The shoreline will head north toward a small peninsula and on the east side of the tip of the peninsula you will see the formation pictured. Find your spot and get to work!


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