DJI Mavic 2 Pro
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Mokulua Islands (Moku Nui & Moko Iki), Pacific Ocean & Kailua Mountains

These isles off of Lanikai Beach are the epitome of a tropical island getaway. To get there, you'll have to paddle board or kayak, but the experience and incredible views from the sandy shore will be well worth the hard work! (before flying a drone, check and follow local drone regulations and permit requirements)



Skill level

Public Location






  • Drone
  • Dry bag
  • Towel
  • Bathing suit
  • Sunscreen
  • Sunglasses

How to get there

N21° 23' 33.1224"W157° 41' 59.9928"
This drone image of the Mokulua Islands (Moku Nui & Moko Iki), Pacific Ocean and Kailua mountains was taken from the shore of the left island, which is called Moku Nui. The right island, Moko Iki, has no beach and is mostly a bird sanctuary — visitors are not allowed on this island. From Honolulu's Lanikai Beach, you'll have to use a kayak or a paddle board to get to the islands. It's about a 15-20 minute kayak or paddle board to the island, so I only recommend taking this route if you're comfortable in the water. From the land, you can rent a kayak at Kailua Ocean Adventures (21.394087, -157.723132) and then kayak out. You can also rent a boat service here if you don't want to kayak or paddle board. After landing on the sand of Moku Nui, I took my drone out of the dry bag and flew up just in time for the morning light. Before you paddle out, reference the GPS coordinates so you know where you're headed.


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