DJI Mavic 2 Pro
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Castelmezzano from Terrazza Panoramica

Nestled among the rugged peaks of the Lucanian Dolomites, Castelmezzano is Italy's answer to a Tolkien fantasy. Like the hidden Elven realm of Rivendell, this charming town clings to sheer cliffs, its stone houses merging seamlessly with the rocky terrain. The sight of Castelmezzano, perched precariously against the vast canvas of sky and mountains, is a breathtaking spectacle that feels as if it leaped off the pages of an epic fantasy novel. Beneath its rustic charm, Castelmezzano is a symphony of narrow alleyways, old stone houses, and quaint piazzas. Each turn reveals a scene that feels frozen in time, while the panoramic views from the town are nothing short of cinematic—a perfect stage set for your own Italian film festival. (before flying a drone, check and follow local drone regulations and permit requirements)



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  • Drone
  • Range of camera lenses

How to get there

N40° 31' 49.179"E16° 02' 48.0959"
This photo was taken at Terrazza Panoramica in Castelmezzano, which is located on Via Regina Margherita. You will recognize the houses in my photo as soon as you arrive. Starting your journey from Rome, take a train to Potenza, the capital city of the Basilicata region. From Rome's Tiburtina station, board a Trenitalia train to Potenza Centrale station, a journey of approximately four hours. Once you've arrived in Potenza, catch a bus operated by SITA Sud from the Potenza Bus Terminal to Castelmezzano. The bus ride is about an hour and a half, winding through beautiful, hilly terrain. As you approach Castelmezzano, the sight of the town emerging among the mountain peaks is a cinematic reveal that would rival any epic movie entrance.


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