Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM Lens
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Sparks Lake view of Kayaker, South Sister & Broken Top Mountain

Formed about 10,000 years ago, this lake originally became popular as a trout fishery, but after 1997, it started to attract more campers. While you're there, take in the breathtaking mountain views from the dock or kayak and paddle board out onto the lake as you're surrounded by miles of natural beauty. If you're lucky, you might even see a dog paddle boarding — it's a common occurrence on this lake!



Skill level

Public Location






  • Normal lens (50mm)
  • Model
  • Kayak

How to get there

N44° 00' 50.2992"W121° 44' 09.9996"
This image was taken from the lakeshore of Sparks Lake, with a view of the lake, South Sister mountain and Broken Top mountain. I stood directly north to get this view of both of the mountains in the distance. I stood less than 100 feet from the Sparks Lake Day Use parking area (44.013884, -121.737805). Once you reach the parking area, take the visitor trail north to reach the lakeshore. The water levels will change depending on the time of the year, so you may need to adjust your, and your model's, positioning to get a similar view. From Bend: - At the Jct. of Third St. (Hwy. 97) & Greenwood Ave. (Hwy. 20), travel south on Hwy. 97 for 0.3 miles to Franklin Ave - Turn west onto Franklin Ave. for 1.2 miles to Galveston Ave. Turn west onto Galveston Ave. for 0.4 miles to Forest Road 46 (Cascade Lakes Hwy) - Turn south onto Forest Road 46 for 24.6 miles to F.R. 46-400 - Turn southwest onto Forest Road 46-400 for 1.6 miles to boat launch and campground


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