Canon EOS 5D Mark IV
Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L III USM Lens
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The Town of Hallstatt & Evangelische Pfarrkirche Hallstatt

Just an hour from the city of Salzburg is the idyllic town of Hallstatt. This village truly has it all: charming houses, a beautiful lake and authentic Austrian restaurants that are surrounded by massive mountains. It's so picturesque that there's even a housing development in China modeled after the original village.



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  • Wide-angle lens (16mm)
  • Zoom lens (optional)

How to get there

N47° 33' 46.5012"E13° 38' 55.2012"
This image was taken next to the Katholische Pfarre Hallstatt along the elevated street of Bedeckte Stiege, with an east-facing view of the Evangelische Pfarrkirche Hallstatt. The town of Hallstatt is small and to get here, just enter "Hallstatt" into your GPS. Arrive at the town and then find street parking or park in one of the many public parking lots that are available. Please note that you'll have to pay for parking if you park in any of the lots. After parking, enter Katholische Pfarre Hallstatt into your GPS and once you're there, head south along Bedeckte Stiege until you reach a spot on the street where the trees frame the Evangelische Pfarrkirche Hallstatt in the east. Note: The town of Hallstatt is a place where people live during the entire year. Please be respectful of their properties when you're visiting. Some tourists ignore the signs of private property, so only visit an area if you're not trespassing on someone's private grounds. There are many great places in the city which are free to access, so be courteous and don't take advantage of the village and its residents.


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