Nikon D850
Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 14-24mm f/2.8G ED Lens
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ROW DTLA Parking Building

Hiding in plain sight in the heart of Los Angeles is a surprising photographer's paradise—ROW DTLA Parking. Much like the DeLorean from "Back to the Future," it's ordinary on the surface but full of unexpected intrigue. This multi-level parking structure boasts clean lines, geometric patterns, and wide-open spaces, providing a canvas for creative compositions and bold narratives. Here, the concrete jungle converges with the city's vibrant pulse, offering a fresh, urban perspective against LA's familiar skyline. The sun casts long shadows over its structured forms, creating a playground of light and darkness that would intrigue even Christopher Nolan. Whether you're an aspiring photographer, an architecture enthusiast, or someone seeking the less explored corners of LA, ROW DTLA Parking offers a unique and visually striking experience.



Skill level

Public Location




Parking Fee (hourly)


  • 14mm lens
  • 24-70mm lens
  • Model
  • Drone

How to get there

N34° 01' 59.331"W118° 14' 24.1922"
The snapshot you're looking at was captured within the geometric confines of the ROW DTLA Parking Structure. If you're steering your way there by car, cruise down Alameda Street and make a turn onto Center Street. Continue until you hit Dock Street—take that turn and it'll lead you straight to the ROW DTLA Parking Structure, much like following a movie map to a secret filming location. Once you've parked your car, make your way to the heart of the parking structure. You'll spot a ramp inviting you to ascend to the higher levels. The spiral you admire in the photo lies at the epicenter of this ramp, on the first floor—it's as easy to find as a famous landmark in a Hollywood blockbuster, once you're on the inside.


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