Sony Alpha 7R III
Sony FE 24-70mm f/2.8 GM Lens
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2nd Street Tunnel & Car Sparks

In the beating heart of Downtown Los Angeles, there's an unexpected star—the 2nd Street Tunnel. This urban canyon, with its glossy white-tiled walls, is no stranger to the limelight an. It has played backdrop to countless films, TV shows, and music videos, becoming as iconic as the Hollywood sign itself. Walking through this tunnel is akin to stepping onto a movie set, a cinematic experience in the midst of city life. As car headlights bounce off the tunnel's reflective tiles, they create a mesmerizing light show, a dance of illumination that breathes life into the concrete structure. It's an intoxicating blend of urban grit and Hollywood glamour that gives the 2nd Street Tunnel its unique appeal. It's the ideal place to capture that quintessential LA noir vibe, a "Blade Runner" meets "Drive" aesthetic that's effortlessly cool.



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  • Wide angle lens (14-24 or 24-70mm would be the best; I took this at 24mm)
  • Tripod at night
  • Bright clothes

How to get there

N34° 03' 22.972"W118° 15' 10.1786"
This photo was taken in the 2nd Street Tunnel in Downtown Los Angeles. If you're starting your journey from Union Station, Los Angeles' primary train station, take the Metro Red or Purple Line and alight at the Pershing Square Station. From there, it's a short 10-minute walk to the 2nd Street Tunnel. Head southwest on Hill St towards 5th St, turn left onto W 3rd St, then turn right onto S Flower St, and finally turn left onto W 2nd St. As you approach the tunnel, you'll feel a distinct shift in ambiance as if you've walked onto a live film set waiting for the director to yell "action!"


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